“He is Risen” …….words we hear at Easter. And, yes, we say this during worship in celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus to commemorate that Jesus rose from the dead to new life 3 days after his burial - as was prophesied. But this has a deeper meaning in the reality of our lives day-to-day. Luke 24:1-6 tells the story of how the women who were in Jesus’ ministry went to the tomb on the 3rd day only to discover that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and the tomb was empty. Jesus had risen! This means 3 things to me: that we can be forgiven; that we have fellowship with Christ who is alive and intercedes for us in heaven; and, that our future is sealed (John 11:25-26).
I remember when the truths reflected in the words, “He is Risen”, became life to me. One Easter many years ago following the time when I had come to faith the previous December……. like the women at the tomb, for the first time my heart was ignited as I understood that I had turned my life over to the Living God who had died for me on the cross and rose again so I could live my life transformed. No longer did I say, “He is Risen” out of ritual, rote confessional prayer. No, I experienced an aliveness within my heart that Jesus was indeed my Savior. And his rising from the dead was the gateway enabling me to put down my old ways and live, instead, a new way…..like Jesus!
“He is Risen” are not words having meaning in my life alone. The truth is that Jesus died and rose again for all who would believe in Him so that you too, can be empowered to live a new way!
How do you respond?
Dr. Saundra J. Taulbee
Lead Pastor