God’s Story and Ours


Our story began in 2005 when Saundra and her late husband prayed for 5 years about God’s call to them during the time they lived in the low desert. They met and prayed with another couple for one- and one-half years during that period. Together they sensed God’s call to them was to start a new church in Orange County, California. So, in obedience they moved. The vision became clearer when Saundra recalled her previous pastoral service over the years to churches across the country where many in the Gen-X and Millennial generations were absent or reluctant to connect with and become involved in the life and mission of an established church. Unanswered questions, fears of being judged and turned off by hypocrisy of some Christians – were main reasons for their disconnect. This drove the emerging vision of Connections Community Church - that burned within Saundra’s soul inspiring her to reach and “connect” with all who feel disconnected from God, are spiritually hungry, yet untrusting of organized religion. Connections –  through the love of Jesus - is the thread that will bind us together! 

So, in 2011 Saundra and Stephen started  Connections - a new church plant in their living room in Orange County, with an intern and a diverse core group of seven other people, Gen-X’ers and Millennials. We continued to meet for 9 months more until Stephen was in a tragic rollover Jeep accident, suffering severe Traumatic Brain Injury.  Stephen was hospitalized on life support for almost a year. The shock of this was too great for the fragile new church plant, and so they scattered. Saundra was at Stephen’s bedside day and night, ultimately bringing him home, and caring for him for 7 years. While the church plant was on hold, the vision remained strong, burning within Saundra’s and Stephen’s hearts. Even though Stephen, a once prolific school teacher, had language difficulties after the accident, he continued to pray fervently with Saundra over the years.

Meanwhile the spark of the light of God’s call continued to flicker inside, and Saundra continued on with church planting training and a 1001 NWC assessment, gaining approval from her presbytery, Los Ranchos, to plant a new church in Irvine, CA, in partnership with Rock Harbor Church. Although there were seasons when Stephen appeared to be growing stronger, sadly he began to decline, dying suddenly August 6, 2019. Saundra wrote his eulogy and organized his memorial service, while grieving and mourning the loss of her life-time partner and love. 

The Renewed Story

With an ache in her heart, alongside a renewed spirit, and a new core team - Saundra now journeys on with the vision God placed within her heart.