We believe in One God (Deuteronomy 6:4) who makes himself known eternally to us in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who existed before the beginning of time and created the universe and everything in it.....
We are created in God’s image but lost our ability to reflect God’s image and live without sinning; we are all sinners.
Jesus came to earth so that we could know God and find relationship again with him through forgiveness of our sins.
That way was Jesus dying on a cross and being raised bodily from the grave so we can have new life.
Salvation comes by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit is God’s power Jesus sent to earth at his ascension, who dwells within us at salvation and enables us to live a new life – not perfection, but growing in maturity - as followers of Jesus.
The church is both a “safe place to belong before you believe” so that you can work through your issues with God without judgement, and, is also the corporate body of believers gathered together to worship, pray, sing, fellowship, called to love our neighbor, go out into the world to serve those in need, connect with those who do not yet believe, make disciples through hearing others’ stories, sharing our stories and the story of Jesus Christ..... participating in building God’s kingdom until our days on earth are over.
God’s redemptive love for us unfolds in The Bible, the inspired Word of God, authoritative for all of life, faith, and practice.
We uphold and administer the Sacraments of Baptism, an outward sign of having an inward change revealing belief in Jesus as Savior and is the way we are grafted into the body of Christ as his followers; and the Lord’s Supper (the Eucharist or Communion) a regular sacred practice shared during our worship gathering where we confess our sin and acknowledge forgiveness, renew our relationship with Christ, and remember that Jesus will one day return again to be with us.
We look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will return again to judge all creation, heal all brokenness, destroy evil, and claim his church to reign and rule with him forever.